I haven't done a lot of decluttering this week, but what I did do made a nice visual difference in our master bedroom.

TRASHED: My old mini-stereo/alarm clock that I've had since college.  It's been taking up half my dresser but not working for a couple of years now.  I bought a small clock/radio to replace it a few months ago, so why on earth have I been hanging onto this?

Also gone: a black trashbag full of assorted junk from the bedroom: old magazines that weren't worth passing on, old mail, worn out socks, etc.

RECYCLED:  Well, not yet.... but I nearly filled a white kitchen bag with books from my bedroom.  Those are headed to the resale shop once the weather improves.

And what about you?  What did you get rid of this week?

Don't forget to join me here on Tuesdays and share what you've tossed this week!
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